Do you want to buy a Property in Hyderabad?
If yes, then please look into below 6 important steps to be followed before buying a property.
1. Never buy without seeing the Property in Person.
Never buy without seeing the property in person and checking its presence in the area. If in case you are out of station / you are from out of the country, check its presence in the area visited by your friends or relatives.
2. Do not rely on notary documents without a registered deed of sale in respect of the Property.
Sub-registrars indicate that when buying any property, land, flat, house, do not rely on notary documents without a registered deed of sale in respect of the property. In the Hyderabad (Capital of Telangana State) Sub-Registrar’s Association has made some suggestions in the past and now with new amendments too.
3. Check the Property documents are original or not before buying.